Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year's Blog Cleaning

OK, I admit it……I can be a tad on the “wordy” side.

When I started writing, I had a hand me down, IBM Selectric III typewriter. There was something wasteful and rather lazy about just typing a couple sentences….all that empty, white paper. And so I filled up each and every page, a proud member of the literary version of the “clean plate” club.

Over the years, being comfortable writing hundreds, thousands, even tens of thousands of words for training manuals, corporate prospectuses, and ultimately screen plays and books served me well.

For years, my blogs have reflected my penchant for long winded prose. But times have changed. The reflective, research heavy, commentary has gone the way of the dodo bird. Today people seem to want “sound bite” summaries, twitter length quips with a link to bullet point information, for those who want a more in-depth analysis of an issue.

Over the course of the next few days, I am doing some blog-cleaning, which is a lot like spring cleaning your home. I will be packing away posts that aren’t relevant or useful due mostly to changes in the law. Airing out and altering (summarizing) posts that are still relevant. And embarking on a more user friendly method of commentary.

Surviving Stalking” will continue to be the place to find resources, current cases, and legal opinion on stalking, harassment, and bullying in the United Kingdom, Europe, and America.

The Justice Myth” will be the home of my work on prosecutorial misconduct, justice reform, tort reform, and general legal issues and will include updates on my current project “The Justice Myth.”

I promise to try to keep things brief…..and appreciate both your patience over the next few days of house keeping and your continued support and interest in my work. - VA